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October 08, 2009


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Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

I like the idea of labeling your tins. I have that same disease. CRS. LOL


How's the Halloween costume coming? Just had to share what I got asked to make this year http://www.simplicity.com/p-1547-costumes.aspx I think I got out of it for now, but there are things on the back of that pattern that I have no idea what they're even talking about! Never let the daughter loose at a $1 pattern sale again!


Jane, That is a great idea with the magnets. I'll have to remember that. And I love your shipping area. Mine is pretty fancy too. LOL ;) ;)

hugs, Ellen

p.s. Where did you get those brown shipping boxes? I usually send stuff priority mail, but some stuff I need to ship First Class and I need boxes.

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